Simplify Your Life!
One of the best things you can do to live a better life is to simplify your life. The world we live in is demanding. Countless tasks not only ask to be done, they demand to be done, and we […]
Hawthorne Integration Services LLC
Smart Homes for a Smart World!
One of the best things you can do to live a better life is to simplify your life. The world we live in is demanding. Countless tasks not only ask to be done, they demand to be done, and we […]
Why have a Smart Home? There are many reasons, but they mostly boil down to two things: efficiency and convenience. Something that is useful to you, that saves you time or effort, that is what a Smart Home is all […]
The RTI Intelligent Video Bar is now available. The need for good quality video conferencing equipment has not declined since the pandemic. More and more, businesses small and large have learned the advantages of being able to connect easily with […]
A fresh year and a fresh start … that’s the thought on many people’s minds when the holiday season has passed and the last digit on the calendar flips to the next. Some make promises to improve themselves, or improve […]
What does it mean to integrate your home electronics? It means to simplify the various devices in your home to make them more convenient to use and enjoy. Many people are now delving into the world of smart home devices. […]
There are few things as enjoyable as sitting outside with friends and family, and outdoors music and TV can complete the experience. Though many may think that they can simply hang a TV on wall of their patio, or run […]
Winter is upon us, and though many think of the holiday season in winter, the holidays are only the start. Inclement weather, early sunsets, and just plain cold keep us indoors this time of year, and often keep us home […]
For a limited time only, we are offering a special price on a single room RTI system. Based on the RTI XP-3 processor, this system can replace those remotes bouncing around on your coffee table, and put all their functions […]
We are happy to announce that Hawthorne Integration Services LLC is now an authorized dealer for AVA remotes and streaming speakers. These remotes are built on a solid aluminum body that fits the hand perfectly and protects the absolutely gorgeous, […]
The MS-1 Music Streamer adds a single stream solution to the RTI Music family BARCELONA, Spain — May 10, 2022 — Leading control and automation manufacturer RTI has expanded its family of music control solutions with the new MS-1 Music Streamer. The MS-1 […]