Simplify Your Life!

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Photo by Brett Jordan on

One of the best things you can do to live a better life is to simplify your life. The world we live in is demanding. Countless tasks not only ask to be done, they demand to be done, and we often don’t have any choice but to devote precious time to doing them.

One very effective way to simplify your life is to let technology take over some of those daily tasks, leaving you with more time to actually live your life instead of being enslaved to your routines.

One common strategy is to get rid of all those remotes on your coffee table. There are households where the adults can’t even use a audio/video system … they have to call in the kids because they don’t know what buttons to press and what order to press them in. Or they waste their time trying to fumble through it … or sometimes just settle for less than what their system provides because they just don’t have the time or inclination to figure it out. Unified remotes in a wide variety of function and form factors can have all your equipment not only turn on, but go the the correct inputs with the press of a single button. Some can even control your lights and thermostats as well when used with a control system.

Lighting control is another. Nearly every smart light on the market can be used with Alexa for voice control. How would you like to call out to Alexa that you are watching TV, and have all the lights in the room dim to exactly the level you prefer? Or just say, “I’m leaving,” or “bedtime” and have the entire home lit at the levels you want? Lighting controls can also start small in just a single room, or cover the entire home. You can also access many of them remotely, so if you forget to turn a light on or off while you are away, you can take care of that in an instant. You can even have them come on and off in a schedule or randomly so it looks like you are still home.

Smart home devices like video doorbells can be added to most existing homes without expensive rewiring. Devices can be added to your garage doors to open and close them remotely, or simply check if they are open or closed.

Venstar or ecobee thermostats, or Sensibo air conditioner controls, can give you access to your heat and AC from anywhere in your home or when you are away. Some can be made to work automatically when you simply approach your home.

And for those of you who want to get rid of all the smart home apps and get control from a single app, a control system from RTI may be the answer. Another big advantage of a control system is that one controlled device can be used to trigger another. Turning on the TV can dim the lights without touching the lighting app. Turning on a light can turn up the heat, and turning them off can turn it back down again, regardless of its schedule. Opening a garage door can turn on the hallway lights after sunset. A well designed control system can make your smart devices talk to each other as well as simply control the things it’s directly connected to.

Hawthorne Integrations Services LLC can help you find the best way to simplify your life. Contact us to find out how.

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